
Styles & Themes

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⚡  GMapsBook.com is crafted by Jozef Sorocin (🟢 Book a consulting hour) and powered by:
  • g-Xperts (Google Cloud & Business Profile Partner)
You’ve probably seen many stylistic variations of Google Maps out there on the interwebs:
Sample basemaps
Sample basemaps
In this chapter we’ll explore how to:
  • override the default landscape, water, and road colors
  • adjust the density of points of interest (POIs) to suit your business needs
  • reuse brand-specific map styles across multiple map instances.


I’m running a chain of restaurants, each of which has its own URL and I’d like to:
  1. Display a Google Map on each website.
  1. Adjust the base map look & feel to fit my brand.
  1. Hide the pins of my competitors’ places + all other “irrelevant” POIs.


The old-school way

To override the basemap’s color scheme in the old days, you had to resort to what’s called JSON styling. For instance, if you wanted to set the water color to #7bb8f5, you’d:
  • find the corresponding water entry
  • set the hex color
export the JSON code
    "featureType": "water",
    "stylers": [
        "color": "#7bb8f5"
  • create a StyledMapType object
    • const cuteBlueOceansStyle = new google.maps.StyledMapType(
        // collapsed for brevity
          name: 'Map',
      The `name` would appear in the `MapTypeControl` top left
initialize the map and assign your mapTypeIds
const map = new google.maps.Map(mapContainer, {
  center: position,
  zoom: 9,

  mapTypeControlOptions: {
    mapTypeIds: ['blueOceansMapStyleId', 'hybrid'],
  • and finally set the mapTypeId to apply the custom style
    • map.mapTypes.set('blueOceansMapStyleId', cuteBlueOceansStyle);
Using a custom name in the StyledMapType also let you override the map type control:
notion image
This approach had a few downsides, though:
  • You had to copy & paste the JSON color config throughout your project(s).
  • If you wanted to update the style across multiple projects, you had to update them separately.
  • Cross-platform brand-aware maps were challenging to keep up to date as the brand evolved.
  • There was loads of repetitive boilerplate code etc.
Google realized this and moved maps customization to the cloud in 2020, which brings us to…

The modern way

Since 2020, it’s recommended to use Cloud Map IDs and Cloud Map Styles.

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