
1. Your First Map

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โšกย  GMapsBook.com is crafted by Jozef Sorocin (๐ŸŸขย Book a consulting hour) and powered by:
  • g-Xperts (Google Cloud & Business Profile Partner)

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Whether you want to:
  • create interactive maps for your website
  • integrate maps into a business application
  • create custom geospatial visualizations
  • or use Googleโ€™s geospatial APIs like address autocomplete, geocoding, directions etc.
youโ€™ll need a Maps Platform account and an API Key.
An API key is an alphanumeric set of characters that always starts with AIza, e.g.:
FYI, API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of protocols that enables communication between different software applications.
In the context of the Google Maps Platform, your API key is the primary form of credential (authentication + authorization) that youโ€™ll use to load the map and/or request other, map-related services from Google.
If you already have an API key, you can jump right to ๐ŸŒCreating a New Google Map.
If you donโ€™t have an API key, continue with ๐Ÿ”‘Obtaining Your Maps API Key(s).

In this chapter โ†’

๐Ÿ”‘Obtaining Your Maps API Key(s)๐ŸŒCreating a New Google Map
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