
Geomatching Regions

Trying to convert address data to points? Check out the 🔎Geocoding Addresses page instead

What Is Geomatching

Tables often reference countries, states, or other regions without including the geometry themselves. Historically, you’d have to join this data with other datasets to work with it on a map. Felt does this automatically with Geomatching.

Available Geomatching Regions

Data will be checked for the geographic regions listed below and converted to polygon geometries when possible. Optionally, hints present in the column name can be used to choose among valid matches, such as “zip” used to name a column of U.S. ZIP codes.
Example Values
Column Name Hints
Natural Earth Admin 0 United States point of view
Names: United States, Ukraine ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes: US, UA ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes: USA, UKR
country, nation, adm0, admin0, admin-0
Global First-Order Admin Areas
Natural Earth Admin 1 States, provinces, etc.
Names: California, Kiev ISO 3166-2 codes: US-CA, UA-32 Admin-1 codes: USA-3521, UKR-321
state, province, adm1, admin1, admin-1
Global Time Zones
Names: America/Los_Angeles, Europe/Kyiv
tz, tzinfo, timezone, time zone
EU Statistical Units (NUTS 1)
Names: Thüringen, Αττική NUTS codes: DEG, EL3
state, province, region, nuts

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