Billing FAQ


How do I know which plan is right for me?
Determine the number of editors and storage you need for 2024, and review our pricing plans:
How much storage am I using? Can I purchase more?
View your current storage usage by navigating to Workspace settings → Storage.
If you're reaching the limit on the Professional tier, email to upgrade to the Enterprise tier.
How is storage space measured and who contributes to the plan limit?
Storage space is calculated using the size of the file uploaded to Felt. The storage limits for our Starter (500mb) and Professional tiers (10gb) are applied at the organizational level.
View your current hosted data usage by navigating to Workspace settings > Storage.
What is an editor?
An editor is a member you add to your team with full editing permissions. Individuals added directly to maps are referred to as guests, and don’t incur charges.
Limits around guests will be shared later this year.
Does Felt charge for people viewing or commenting on my map?
No, viewers and comments are free, on every plan, which is unique among most other map-making software.
Is there an educational license?
Yes! Felt is completely free to use in the classroom. Verify your classroom use account for 2024 by following the steps here.
Do you offer a non-profit discount?
Yes! Non-profits receive a 20 percent discount on Felt Starter or Professional plans.
  1. Create your Felt account and fill out the non-profit verification form here.
  1. The Felt team will email you once you’re approved and send instructions to check out with the discount applied
Do you offer any discounts?
Yes! If you choose annual billing for Felt, you will save up to 18%, the equivalent of two months free on either our Starter or Professional plan.
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
You will lose access to the paid features in Felt at the end of the billing period and not be charged going forward. Note Felt maps and data can be easily exported so that you can take your work with you.
Your Felt maps and data can be easily exported so that you can take your work with you.
How does billing work?
Felt operates on a subscription basis, allowing you to opt for monthly or yearly billing cycles according to your preference. Each Workspace is billed independently.
There are 4 tiers: Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. You can find details about the different subscription tiers here.
How do I pay for Felt?
You can pay for Felt in the billing section of the App. To pay for Felt:
  1. Click on your Workspace and select Workspace Settings
  1. Click on the Billing tab
  1. Select your plan, number of editors, and check out using a credit card
When should I expect the first invoice from Felt?
Invoices are sent the day you are charged.
I work for a non-profit organization. Is there a discount available, and what is that process to get the discount applied to my account?
Yes! We believe non-profits should have access cutting-edge mapping technology that helps them maximize their impact and effectively carry out their missions. Felt applies a substantial 20% discount to nonprofit subscription plans. Here’s how to sign up:
  1. Create your Felt account
  1. Fill out the non-profit verification form here.
  1. The Felt team will send instructions to check out with the discount applied via email
I am an educator and using Felt in my classroom. How do I get the free edu license?
Felt is free for classroom use. See this doc to set up your classroom in Felt.
What will happen to my embeds if I do not pay for Felt?

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